
My name is Slawomir Kortas, Slav to my English-speaking friends. After living 16 years in Los Angeles, I decided to move back to my home country of Poland. On this blog, I will post updates on my transition and general thoughts on what’s going on in my life in the fatherland.

I’m a project manager, a volunteer with Project Management Institute Poland Chapter, a blogger, a husband, an avid dog walker, a podcast listener, a book reader, a technogeek at heart, an Apple fanboy, and an overall good guy…I think.

Throughout my professional career, I’ve been pretty lucky to have worked for some very innovative engineering companies with extremely talented and knowledgeable people, and it’s this technology-driven environment that puts a smile on my face when I go to work 🙂

Here’s our family photo. My wife Ania, Fado, and I.


You may contact me via e-mail at: polvadis at gmail.com
All photos posted on this blog may not be used elsewhere without prior permission. ©Polvadis 2018

My sincere apologies to those looking for an actual Polish magician. The title of this blog came about a couple of days before I left Los Angeles during a good bye dinner. While someone said “you need a blog to keep us up to date” someone else had shown me a couple of Polish magic tricks as explained in detail in the instructions below, and thus the Polish Magician was born.

Please keep in mind this was only made in good humor and don’t take this joke personally.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. David Deis says:

    Ahoy Magician,

    Talked with Mr. Bashan earlier today who told me about your move to the homeland and corresponding blog. I very much enjoyed reading about your exploits and I’m glad to hear (and see) that you are doing well. Looking forward to more magic…


  2. Ed Drumm says:

    Just got a chance to check out your blog. Great site. I especially like the Sicily pics…very nice. Hope we get to work on the R.T. drawing updates soon. I’m going to keep lobbying Eric for you to work with us on them. Think it is the best/quickest way to finally get them done.

    Hope you had a great Christmas. We had snow this year, time for a white Christmas in TN, in something like 17 years. Go figure, snow in Sicily and snow in TN for Christmas. Feels like someone is trying to tell me something??

    Take care…give me a shout sometime when you can.


  3. Angie says:

    I tried to perform your tricks for my family and was unable to get to the second one, because they threatened that if I continued they would take my computer away and lock me out of the house! I thought they were funny, but apparently others don’t share my same sense of humor and/or lack thereof.

    1. polvadis says:

      Haha, that is awesome. Glad these tricks came in handy. The trick really begins with getting a crowd that will appreciate the humor, that and the amount of beer at a given party. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  4. Evez says:

    Haha you look really Polish! 🙂 When I lived in Berlin I’d be in Poland all the time. Beautiful girls, good food. Just like Germany! Haha. And your tie is great too! Greetings!

  5. Jason Wilson says:

    Slav, this is your old guest house neighbor Jason. Just decided to look you and Kasia up. Glad you are both doing well in your respective lives! I moved to Nashville, TN and opened up some video arcade locations awhile back. Merry Christmas to you and your family and say hi to Kasia for me!

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