Meringue Burgers and Donuts

It’s never too late to write about something sweet, right? After all, Thursday wasn’t that long ago anyway, and it being a Fat Thursday to boot, I think it deserves an honorable mention for this week. Not that getting my face stuffed with sugar deserves honorable mentions. But Ania made some pretty cool meringues for…

Canadian, Eh?

Every now and again I get the urge to make me some pancakes. Ania will sometimes make the traditional Polish ones, but Polish pancakes, also known as ‘neleśniki’, are just not the same. They’re mostly very thin and you actually roll them or fold them into triangles with your choice of filling be that fruit…

Dresden Christmas Market 2018 Edition

In case you missed my write up of the Dresden Christmas Market last year, we went back this year to do it all over again. Mostly because Ania loves Christmas a lot, but perhaps also because we really missed that cheese and mushroom hot sandwich they serve there. Again, it’s only a three-hour drive at…

Dresden Christmas Market

Speaking of Dresden… There are quite a few things that took place between our trip to Dresden in August and today, but since today’s story also deals with Dresden, I’ll just write about it now. Today, however, the temperature was hovering around freezing, it snowed at one point,  and most important difference of all, we…

A Taste of Europe 2017

At the beginning of this month, we stopped by the annual European Food Festival taking place in Wrocław’s city center. I believe this was our third time attending, and it seems that this street -like fair is gaining in popularity. We did by now notice some familiar faces among the folks representing their country. For…

Vacation Food

There are two things we consumed in heavy rotation during our stay at the sea side: fish & chips, and waffles! Ok, so there was an occasional smoked fish, too, but all in all, fish and waffles was the theme of our daily routine. An extremely delicious routine if I may say so myself. Fish & chips…

Sunday Brew & Tacos

On Sunday we stopped by the “City Brewery”. The defunct looking complex of redbrick buildings actually used to be a brewery on-again, off again, from 1894 to 1996. Today, it has become a site of cultural gatherings of all sorts. Art galleries, art workshops, culinary workshops, indie clubs, it’s all there. On most weekends however,…

Sushi Night

Speaking of fish… Every now and again we get together within our circle friends for a movie night. The usual scenario is that we collectively pick a genre of the movie we would like to watch and discuss, every couple submits a movie title in that genre, we then vote on the movie, watch it,…

Wrocław, by the Sea

Catching up with regularly scheduled blog posting… Wrocław is some 460km (267miles) from the Baltic sea. That’s about a seven hour drive on crappy Polish expressways, making Wrocław as un-coastal as possible. So what do you do when you’re in a mood for fresh sea food without the hassle of a fourteen hour round trip? You…

Rogaliki – Grandma Style

I stopped by my grandparents on Saturday afternoon and sure enough I was just in time for some sweet grandma baking goodness. My grandmother was in the middle of baking her signature “Rogailiki”, a Polish Croissant Cookie. Fresh from the oven, still warm as Ania and I stuffed our faces with them. Simply delicious. Of…

A Taste of Europe

Wrocław hosted a “Taste of Europe” food festival last week. The proper translation would sound more to the tune of “Europe at the fork tip” or something along those lines. But my translation fits better as that’s exactly what it was: a bunch of vendors from different European countries showing off their local cuisine. We…

Grilled Meat and Pale Ale

I’ve been on pretty strict diet for the past couple of months, eating only what the dietitian allows with a specific list of what to, but more precisely, what not to eat. A feat that would have been impossible had it not been for my wife keeping me in check. And while it wasn’t an…

The After Christmas Market 2014

My wife claims that my blog has gone the way of electric avenue with focus strictly on electric mobility. Granted, the past few posts have been rather work/hobby related, so I will try to put the personal back into this personal blog. Would a Christmas market post be too late? 🙂 I didn’t really have…

Adoria Vineyards – Almost Napa

For my newest Wine of the Month column over at I visited Adoria Vineyards located just a twenty minute drive south of Wrocław. And while you will have to wait for the article to be published (link will be provided of course) I wanted to post some photos ahead of time. EDIT: Mike Whitney…

Castle Flower Festival

The annual Castle Flower Festival was organized in the city of Wałbrzych for the 16th time this long Polish weekend and is still going on thru Sunday. It’s during this weekend that all museum-like rooms of this 12th century Książ Castle are beautifully decorated in floral arrangements, each room done with a different theme created…

Czech Wine Goodness

You already knew that Czech beers are tasty. You might even know that Budweiser was Czech way before the “Whassup” commercials made their rounds in the States. But did you know that Poland’s southern neighbors make great wine as well? To read all about my Wine of the Month review of Moravian Pinot Noir click…

Das Coffee Experiment

Good coffee is hard to make. And I’m not talking about the difficulty of drawing a swan on your latte 😉  I’m talking about a cup of coffee that you drink black, no sugar, no milk, and yet it’s the best tasting coffee you ever had. Last month I attended an “Alternative Coffee Making” workshop…

Carp’e Diem

Tomorrow’s Christmas Eve, a very important time of year for every Polish household. First of all, in Poland we open our Christmas presents on Christmas Eve, not Christmas Day. And second, every Polish family is going to have one common fish for dinner tomorrow evening, the carp. Getting carp in Los Angeles back in the…

Moto Romania

My vacation plan was fairly simple: not to have a plan at all. The idea was to pack up my Transalp and set out for a couple of weeks traveling wherever I wanted to, staying wherever the bike took me that day. It started out as a solo trip, but with only a couple of…